Past Life Regression therapy can connect you to your deepest hidden Karmic Cycles playing havoc in your life. It is a hypnosis technique through which the therapist is able to examine the experiences that seemed to have formed the roots of your current fears, phobias or life issues.

"The goal of past life regression therapy online is to make you visit and feel the memories of your past existence. It’s not always about unfolding the past traumas. You can also be shown happiness in your previous life which inspire and help you remember how to live a good life today. My job is to help connect people to their own power."

Acharya Mini

Past, Present, Future Predictions

Time Series Prediction: Forecasting the Future and Understanding the Past.
Past Life Regression therapy helps an individual to identify these experiences by going into trance & tapping that lifetime which is responsible for such an experience. Past life regression therapy workshop identifies the root cause of the problem, regardless of the time period.
Once the life is viewed and the problem is pin pointed, the therapist commands the client to release these experiences, inhibitions, fears, as these were a part of some other time with different circumstances & the time has changed now. It is not good for the soul to carry these things forward in life & hence the therapy enables the client’s mind to release this burden. It is proven to be the best therapy for people who are stuck at issues that are persistent and face a history of pain.

Who can benefit from PAST LIFE REGRESSION Therapy?

  • People who have tried most of the solutions that are available but they haven’t got any relief
  • People with persistent health issues, fears or phobias
  • Anyone having a run of bad luck
  • Continuous issues of failed relationships
  • Inability to allow the flow of wealth or health



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Monic Susanti


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Adam Smith

CEO, Business Co.